My wife and I are trying something new: sitting still in a moment. It might not sound innovative or exciting, but it is against the grain of what society today does. We’ve made a habit out of our busyness, so much so that it affects the culture of our mind. In moments when we choose […]
Is Overcommitting an Idol?
Many of my friends claim to be overcommitted, but when they do so, a strange thing happens: they say it with a smile. Though we might complain and groan about it, we love to stay busy. We love that we have plans, that our schedules are brewing with activities, that we are productive and not […]
The Art of Not Taking Life Too Seriously
Many people applaud how seriously I take my endeavors. But if I’m honest with you, I struggle with it. There are many times where I struggle to hold my life with open hands. I fight and wrestle to make my dreams become a reality because I hold them within high regards. This is why I […]
Stop Trying to Balance Your Chaotic Life. Do This Instead.
“Don’t be a do person, be a be person. You are not a human doing, you are a human being.” -Matthew Kelly “How do I balance God and school? How do I balance God and family? How do I balance family and career?” These questions plague us. We seem to be searching hard for a […]
Busyness is Optional. Friendship Isn’t.
There’s a lie I’ve foolishly bought into over the years. It’s the lie that I’m too busy to invest in friendships. Recently, I heard a man invite his friend to have lunch with him. I leaned forward, resting my face in my palm, thinking that one act was incredibly simple but also rare now days. […]
Do Your Soul a Favor & Expect Less
I believe our sense of meaning, value, and satisfaction with our daily lives rests on one of two ideas: either we are doing too little or we are doing too much with our days. If I had to guess what the case for you is, I would guess the latter is true. Such is the […]
Churches, Here’s How You Can Help People Who Are Too Busy
This is a guest post from Cindy Brandt. In modern society, we throw around the word “busy” like a badge of honor. “Oh, I’m busy” is a signal of how good our lives are, how we’re living it to the fullest, or how much we are adding value to the world. This mentality has seeped […]